Art Is not just drawing well.
🌞One of my favorite things about art is that it can be music, make up, or construction of some thing, fashion, or how you plate your food or, a vision that comes to life bc of you being the vessel to birth it.
🌞IT ALL can impact & empower your confidence & soul & expression & YOUR STORY.
🌞Let’s talk Performance art. Like Rihanna. Sam smith. Gaga. How can it bless YOU???
⭐️Visual &movement & colors & expression and performing/visual art is a metaphor for life themes that we all experience.
It opens up a way to heal, explore, come Home to yourself, find your inner creativity, and empower something inside of you that can’t be done with words or your average everyday tools/things.
⭐️How you walk is art.
⭐️The tone of your voice is art.
⭐️Your life and being is art.
⭐️Asking a group of kids to sketch their own personal playground is art because they are going to infuse it with their own personal experiences, ideas, expression, and story/perspective.
⭐️How you tend to your garden is art.
Rihanna. Her dancers & visual production stole the show. PERIOD.
It is her same choreographer that does her FENTY fashions shows.
👊🏽Sam Smith’s Brit awards/Grammy show is performance art.
👊🏽Lady gaga too.
👊🏽banksy really pisses people off but huge message there
🎉If you’re not familiar with visual/performance art, and you think Art is just painting or making clay pieces or “well he is wearing devil horns in that performance, so it is wrong” is your interpretation of Grammys ——-I LOVINGLY invite you to watch “the village” movie by M night Shyamalan or “get out” by Jordan peele.
🎉It’s entertaining. Amazing movies. Grabs your attention. it’s entertainment. There’s music supervisors, staging, lighting, crews, and acting but they’re *telling a greater and bigger message/story as well. In EVERYTHING From what they decide to put on the refrigerator in the background to the music that is playing during a scene. * Sometimes political, sometimes spiritual, and sometimes universal. AND MORE.
🎉And performance art has a history and started in the 1910s and really became talked about In the 1970s with cabaret.
1-Art/music etc supports YOU! Expression, dance, movement AND TELLING A STORY in ways that are outside of the box (like your clothes or your make up or your facial expressions or the set up of your home or how you you walk )
It moves energy that doesn’t have words, out of your body and recycles into another form that can benefit yourself and others!
2-to watch countless youth and people, walk into my class anxious/nervous and open up and release and GO THERE BC of music, art, + movement is a gift.
You see their UNIQUE essence & being COME OUT BOLDY WITH JOY before the world told them Who to be and how to move through the world.
And it’s spiritual. We can be dropping it like it’s hot to Snoop Dogg and people will start crying bc something is shifting in their spiritual energy. It Just took movement and unleashed energy as a doorway to Make it, make total sense!
3-YOU FEEL PROUD OF YOUR SELF. Not bc a teacher or parent noticed or a boss or the world or family or friends noticed.
4-Arts heal, it inspires, stimulates storytelling , 110% creates confidence, an outlet to express self and feelings, gives momentum to health & body & learning outside of the box bc brain learns in new ways, therapeutic, and it is fun. Did I mention RELEASING & HEALING!?
5- I’ll add that Rihanna showed up as ENOUGH. she didn’t do a costume change. she hardly danced. she was lip-synching. She still believed that she was ENOUGH and that showing up was enough and that’s the greater message .
*My life coaching, when you rock with me for awhile & are changing your life—-involves tools that include art and music as healing assignments.
*any work out/hiphop class you do with me IS life-changing.
you’ll carry that energy into every aspect of your LIFE.
It’s how you feel about YOU. A weight or a sit up won’t do that for you. A feeling will.
*And food is a love language.Diets are bullsh&t and keep you stuck in restriction, that you’re not enough, and you’re something to be fixed.
When you really learn to replace ingredients/what happens in your body, it’s a lifestyle change thar affects your worth/value and you taps into your unconditional self love, stops the inner critic, and bad ass mode is activated!
YOU ARE AN ARTIST. Think outside of the box today and let me know what that looks like for you.!!??
Buy sessions, recipe books, and programs to do right from your home! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

🌞One of my favorite things about art is that it can be music, make up, or construction of some thing, fashion, or how you plate your food or, a vision that comes to life bc of you being the vessel to birth it.
🌞IT ALL can impact & empower your confidence & soul & expression & YOUR STORY.
🌞Let’s talk Performance art. Like Rihanna. Sam smith. Gaga. How can it bless YOU???
⭐️Visual &movement & colors & expression and performing/visual art is a metaphor for life themes that we all experience.
It opens up a way to heal, explore, come Home to yourself, find your inner creativity, and empower something inside of you that can’t be done with words or your average everyday tools/things.
⭐️How you walk is art.
⭐️The tone of your voice is art.
⭐️Your life and being is art.
⭐️Asking a group of kids to sketch their own personal playground is art because they are going to infuse it with their own personal experiences, ideas, expression, and story/perspective.
⭐️How you tend to your garden is art.
Rihanna. Her dancers & visual production stole the show. PERIOD.
It is her same choreographer that does her FENTY fashions shows.
👊🏽Sam Smith’s Brit awards/Grammy show is performance art.
👊🏽Lady gaga too.
👊🏽banksy really pisses people off but huge message there
🎉If you’re not familiar with visual/performance art, and you think Art is just painting or making clay pieces or “well he is wearing devil horns in that performance, so it is wrong” is your interpretation of Grammys ——-I LOVINGLY invite you to watch “the village” movie by M night Shyamalan or “get out” by Jordan peele.
🎉It’s entertaining. Amazing movies. Grabs your attention. it’s entertainment. There’s music supervisors, staging, lighting, crews, and acting but they’re *telling a greater and bigger message/story as well. In EVERYTHING From what they decide to put on the refrigerator in the background to the music that is playing during a scene. * Sometimes political, sometimes spiritual, and sometimes universal. AND MORE.
🎉And performance art has a history and started in the 1910s and really became talked about In the 1970s with cabaret.
1-Art/music etc supports YOU! Expression, dance, movement AND TELLING A STORY in ways that are outside of the box (like your clothes or your make up or your facial expressions or the set up of your home or how you you walk )
It moves energy that doesn’t have words, out of your body and recycles into another form that can benefit yourself and others!
2-to watch countless youth and people, walk into my class anxious/nervous and open up and release and GO THERE BC of music, art, + movement is a gift.
You see their UNIQUE essence & being COME OUT BOLDY WITH JOY before the world told them Who to be and how to move through the world.
And it’s spiritual. We can be dropping it like it’s hot to Snoop Dogg and people will start crying bc something is shifting in their spiritual energy. It Just took movement and unleashed energy as a doorway to Make it, make total sense!
3-YOU FEEL PROUD OF YOUR SELF. Not bc a teacher or parent noticed or a boss or the world or family or friends noticed.
- You are doing something with your mind body and soul on your own and carry that into life!! Confidence 110%. Inside job. Makes you TRUST yourself & speaks to your inner self.
4-Arts heal, it inspires, stimulates storytelling , 110% creates confidence, an outlet to express self and feelings, gives momentum to health & body & learning outside of the box bc brain learns in new ways, therapeutic, and it is fun. Did I mention RELEASING & HEALING!?
5- I’ll add that Rihanna showed up as ENOUGH. she didn’t do a costume change. she hardly danced. she was lip-synching. She still believed that she was ENOUGH and that showing up was enough and that’s the greater message .
*My life coaching, when you rock with me for awhile & are changing your life—-involves tools that include art and music as healing assignments.
*any work out/hiphop class you do with me IS life-changing.
you’ll carry that energy into every aspect of your LIFE.
It’s how you feel about YOU. A weight or a sit up won’t do that for you. A feeling will.
*And food is a love language.Diets are bullsh&t and keep you stuck in restriction, that you’re not enough, and you’re something to be fixed.
When you really learn to replace ingredients/what happens in your body, it’s a lifestyle change thar affects your worth/value and you taps into your unconditional self love, stops the inner critic, and bad ass mode is activated!
YOU ARE AN ARTIST. Think outside of the box today and let me know what that looks like for you.!!??
Buy sessions, recipe books, and programs to do right from your home! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

This is my favorite movie of all time since I was a kid and even as an adult. I can watch it five days a week and never get tired of it😎& my kids love.
⭐️This is literally who I am at my core in my spirit & how I see things & how I feel and how I rock and roll about things in my vibe mind body art soul biz and purpose passion and life!!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️THIS Might be the push or empowerment OR AFFIRMATION you SPECIFICALLY need with whatever you are going through In life right now!! OR FOR your kids!!!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
📣Hard work in your hard craft creates confidence. practice it daily for momentum (whatever that looks like for you)
📣Street smarts and books smarts. Both are important and you need both in different areas of your life.
📣Resilience and grit & vision & focus against all odds is a superpower.
📣Standing up for yourself and a message you believe in & honoring/respecting EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE
📣Belief in your worth and value regardless if someone else sees it
📣Believe in something bigger than yourself bc it pushes you
📣Love ALWAYS surpasses rules & religions,color, and ignorance
📣Music/ art/fashion/visual and performing arts ALL HAS A MESSAGE in it and can literally affect & change peoples hearts, mindsets, and views. Can help connect & build bridges.
📣80s music and vibes are superior
📣 when you are angry or life is unfair-be creative with response don’t use hands (great for kids to see this)
📣Strong Ideas about privilege, power, Wealth, societal & structural & systematic issues
📣How we judge people on looks, things, external & don’t know shit about their core/heart/life story
📣Humor & fun & being corny/carefree and passionate matter DAILY in your mental/emotional health
📣Influencing kids starts young & MATTERS bc it is how they show up In the world
📣Community & connection is soul power
📣Seeing yourself, your culture, your life, your whatever— mirrored back to you FEEDS YOUR SOUL & DRIVE
📣Club scene, dance scenes, music scene ARE FIRE & TRUTH. We all need some form of creative energy to feed our soul.
📣Finding something to be part of and you don’t need drinks/drugs to have fun
📣True leadership can show up in a variety of ways
📣Empowerment & emotional resilience carry your farther than ANYTHING CAN!
This is my favorite movie of all time since I was a kid and even as an adult. I can watch it five days a week and never get tired of it😎& my kids love.
⭐️This is literally who I am at my core in my spirit & how I see things & how I feel and how I rock and roll about things in my vibe mind body art soul biz and purpose passion and life!!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️THIS Might be the push or empowerment OR AFFIRMATION you SPECIFICALLY need with whatever you are going through In life right now!! OR FOR your kids!!!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
📣Hard work in your hard craft creates confidence. practice it daily for momentum (whatever that looks like for you)
📣Street smarts and books smarts. Both are important and you need both in different areas of your life.
📣Resilience and grit & vision & focus against all odds is a superpower.
📣Standing up for yourself and a message you believe in & honoring/respecting EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE
📣Belief in your worth and value regardless if someone else sees it
📣Believe in something bigger than yourself bc it pushes you
📣Love ALWAYS surpasses rules & religions,color, and ignorance
📣Music/ art/fashion/visual and performing arts ALL HAS A MESSAGE in it and can literally affect & change peoples hearts, mindsets, and views. Can help connect & build bridges.
📣80s music and vibes are superior
📣 when you are angry or life is unfair-be creative with response don’t use hands (great for kids to see this)
📣Strong Ideas about privilege, power, Wealth, societal & structural & systematic issues
📣How we judge people on looks, things, external & don’t know shit about their core/heart/life story
📣Humor & fun & being corny/carefree and passionate matter DAILY in your mental/emotional health
📣Influencing kids starts young & MATTERS bc it is how they show up In the world
📣Community & connection is soul power
📣Seeing yourself, your culture, your life, your whatever— mirrored back to you FEEDS YOUR SOUL & DRIVE
📣Club scene, dance scenes, music scene ARE FIRE & TRUTH. We all need some form of creative energy to feed our soul.
📣Finding something to be part of and you don’t need drinks/drugs to have fun
📣True leadership can show up in a variety of ways
📣Empowerment & emotional resilience carry your farther than ANYTHING CAN!
Every..damn. Day.
BE INTENTIONAL.📿How can we do this daily & feel the results?
📿When you want to high five someone in the fucking mouth but you choose to come from light and love—-it is intentional.
📿When you’re about to enter a conversation/meeting & you stop, breathe, & choose to show up as your authentic self and not a fake voice/smile— that is intentional.
📿When you don’t wanna work out and you have 50 reasons, but you put on your shoes and do it anyway —intentionally.
📿When you’re about to repeat yourself for the 50th time and hear your voice getting louder to your kids, your spouse, whoever and you stop to take a breath & choose patience--that is intentional.
📿When the inner self chatter starts about ‘shoulda, woulda, coulda’ & you feel worry or less than. You pause, you take a deep breath, and you change the narrative and speak life & favor & empowerment over yourself. THAT IS AN INTENTIONAL ACT.
📿when unfair, shitty life & worldly stuff happens & tears your soul open.
We can say I’m fine. I’m fine. It is FINE.
Or We can choose intention—intentionally cry, vent, express, lean on your faith, & feel what you feel.
📿All day. every day.
Every moment.
Be intentional.
With your words.
Your time. Your energy. Your choices. Your being.
That is how true authenticity is birthed!
I WILL put Bad Bunny music on, hard core dance to feel release & free, talk to God & affirm & remember who I REALLY AM—-WITH deep INTENTION!😊👊🏽
Every..damn. Day.
BE INTENTIONAL.📿How can we do this daily & feel the results?
📿When you want to high five someone in the fucking mouth but you choose to come from light and love—-it is intentional.
📿When you’re about to enter a conversation/meeting & you stop, breathe, & choose to show up as your authentic self and not a fake voice/smile— that is intentional.
📿When you don’t wanna work out and you have 50 reasons, but you put on your shoes and do it anyway —intentionally.
📿When you’re about to repeat yourself for the 50th time and hear your voice getting louder to your kids, your spouse, whoever and you stop to take a breath & choose patience--that is intentional.
📿When the inner self chatter starts about ‘shoulda, woulda, coulda’ & you feel worry or less than. You pause, you take a deep breath, and you change the narrative and speak life & favor & empowerment over yourself. THAT IS AN INTENTIONAL ACT.
📿when unfair, shitty life & worldly stuff happens & tears your soul open.
We can say I’m fine. I’m fine. It is FINE.
Or We can choose intention—intentionally cry, vent, express, lean on your faith, & feel what you feel.
📿All day. every day.
Every moment.
Be intentional.
With your words.
Your time. Your energy. Your choices. Your being.
That is how true authenticity is birthed!
I WILL put Bad Bunny music on, hard core dance to feel release & free, talk to God & affirm & remember who I REALLY AM—-WITH deep INTENTION!😊👊🏽
3 tools to increase your confidence +mindset
Start exploring + questioning all the habits + mindsets & ways about YOURSELF!!
💎Albert Einstein said, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
💎This is the key to daily life.
You are a spiritual being living in a human being world.
Get in that alignment mentally + soul-fully.💯
It’s a 24-7 vibe to put yourself in. And work.
But it will save you a lot of unnecessary stress!!! 💯
💎constantly be aware and use TOOLS & PRACTICE to always come back to your spirit and your energy + your soul +
Y O U R T R U T H.
What that looks like
feels like
smells like
tastes like and is profoundly aligned and true specifically for you!!!!!
and not the outside stuff around you all day——that makes your Brain create FALSE narratives and go on hamster wheels of shit that stresses worries or defeats you.....
you will feel peace and alignment and
joy and
living in that presence
💎We are all born with awareness but then we accumulate knowledge!!!!
Soooooo knowledge is not truth, it’s information and programming and dreaming and living and educating the way that society wants us to!!!
Good intentioned parents and school and jobs and friends and surroundings and environments putting their STUFF onto you.
So then we start practice not being aware + denying what we feel and perceive and deeply profoundly intuitively KNOW!! WE BECOME CONDITIONED.
💎It’s like when you’re a young teen!! Think 12, 13 years old!
You really don’t know and can’t SEE yourself.
The people places and things around you project onto you the ***image, vibes, ideas, person they believe that they see about you!!!! ***{Remember this parents as we are leading/raising kids}
👑1-So when you start going through your mindset and beliefs—--
Investigate that shit like a detective!
words you believe like good, bad, skinny, fat, whatever
👑2-change your words.
If someone complements you or says something kind—-don’t just day the typical THANK YOU.
Say instead: I RECEIVE THAT.
This is like REALLY taking it, receiving it, feeling it, Absorbing it, and letting it drip, drop & flow into you more + continuously + keep on bringing IT!!! Huge shift.
👑3- become aware of HOW YOU ROLL & SHOW UP IN WORLD.
releasing, rewording, rewriting, and exploring YOUR:
AND BEINGGGGGGG💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Is it serving your highest good or keeping you stuck?
Investigate you truly+ boldly +confidently know who the fuck you are + activate that HOLINESS THAT IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT!!
👑4- LOVE.
You Gotta be courageous and brave to LOVE YOURSELF, bigggg time.
And what that looks like + real deal holy feel, FEELS like + DOING that—-
might hard core disappoint others & their ideas & the actual people places and things around you.
Be courageous and brave, anyway.
💎Albert Einstein said, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
💎This is the key to daily life.
You are a spiritual being living in a human being world.
Get in that alignment mentally + soul-fully.💯
It’s a 24-7 vibe to put yourself in. And work.
But it will save you a lot of unnecessary stress!!! 💯
💎constantly be aware and use TOOLS & PRACTICE to always come back to your spirit and your energy + your soul +
Y O U R T R U T H.
What that looks like
feels like
smells like
tastes like and is profoundly aligned and true specifically for you!!!!!
and not the outside stuff around you all day——that makes your Brain create FALSE narratives and go on hamster wheels of shit that stresses worries or defeats you.....
you will feel peace and alignment and
joy and
living in that presence
💎We are all born with awareness but then we accumulate knowledge!!!!
Soooooo knowledge is not truth, it’s information and programming and dreaming and living and educating the way that society wants us to!!!
Good intentioned parents and school and jobs and friends and surroundings and environments putting their STUFF onto you.
So then we start practice not being aware + denying what we feel and perceive and deeply profoundly intuitively KNOW!! WE BECOME CONDITIONED.
💎It’s like when you’re a young teen!! Think 12, 13 years old!
You really don’t know and can’t SEE yourself.
The people places and things around you project onto you the ***image, vibes, ideas, person they believe that they see about you!!!! ***{Remember this parents as we are leading/raising kids}
👑1-So when you start going through your mindset and beliefs—--
Investigate that shit like a detective!
words you believe like good, bad, skinny, fat, whatever
👑2-change your words.
If someone complements you or says something kind—-don’t just day the typical THANK YOU.
Say instead: I RECEIVE THAT.
This is like REALLY taking it, receiving it, feeling it, Absorbing it, and letting it drip, drop & flow into you more + continuously + keep on bringing IT!!! Huge shift.
👑3- become aware of HOW YOU ROLL & SHOW UP IN WORLD.
releasing, rewording, rewriting, and exploring YOUR:
AND BEINGGGGGGG💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Is it serving your highest good or keeping you stuck?
Investigate you truly+ boldly +confidently know who the fuck you are + activate that HOLINESS THAT IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT!!
👑4- LOVE.
You Gotta be courageous and brave to LOVE YOURSELF, bigggg time.
And what that looks like + real deal holy feel, FEELS like + DOING that—-
might hard core disappoint others & their ideas & the actual people places and things around you.
Be courageous and brave, anyway.
5 tips to motivate your mood + day
5 tips to use NOW to uplift your day Hi! It’s been awhile.
I have 100 profound things to say but here’s what’s consistent instead...
1- NBA LAKERS won THE championship!
“We push him. To See how great he is. To See better basketball. To Be part of something that’s special. “
Lebron james said this of his teammate Anthony Davis.
~Explore your relationships
your friends + your WORDS +
the people places & things like social media or tv shows or convos you have....if you want to level up YOU MUST be around trailblazers + encouragement!~
2-YOU can be THANKFUL + blessed + also lose your shit & be be frustrated. BOTH!
bishop talbert swan
He is a GRAND example of someone that is on fire for God & super spiritual & knows his bible & educated yet calls out racist + political ass shit unapologetically.
Follow him on all platforms.
3- Jimmy Butler on the Miami Heat on the Nba team that lost to the lakers.
He played SO hard + gave 5OO%!!
if you watch his post interviews, he can hardly walk or move Bc he’s body is in massive pain!
Do your work out!
Fight for what your soul craves whether it is rest/healing or crushing goals.
TRAIN your mind to be bigger than ALL your excuses because we all have excuses! Ha!
Champion + leader mindsets get shit done! PERIOD.
4- start small. It adds up.
Make your own sauces/dressing.
Purée mango + dill + tomatoes. Yummy!
Love cereal? Make your own.
Almond milk + almonds + pumpkin seeds + coconut flakes + blueberries.
5- stop invalidating your feelings for other the feelings of others.
Everything in your day is there to teach you or heal you.
Your feelings matter.
Stop talking yourself out of them. They are messengers.
Gorgeous, chosen, brilliant and highly favored. Of. Us.
Start using words like: King +Queen +beloved + beautiful +!earth angel to yourself and others!
💥I CAN HELP TRAIN YOUR MIND + replace limiting beliefs while
Being your biggest cheerleader AND also teaching you TOOLS AND SYSTEMS TO CHANGE YOUR gosh dang LIFE.
Set you free:)
💥Buy my newest e-book:
~80 plant-based + vegan recipes to blow your mind!
~Included is a bonus holistic recipe ebook + grocery shopping list!
~easy + yummy + new ideas you never thought of Bc diets are BS!
“14 bad ass business tools
That I Learned @Atlantic Records on Broadway in New York City”
You want straight forward, Bold advice + tools for any career, business or personal growth path?
GO-TO! Go Next level with confidence + bold ass energy.
💥Songs to motivate your day:
Chris Brown “wall to wall”
Lincoln Park & Steve Aoki “light that never dies”
Topic “ breaking me”
Mariah Carey “obsessed”
Royal tailor “ready set go” (family friendly + super empowering)
I have 100 profound things to say but here’s what’s consistent instead...
1- NBA LAKERS won THE championship!
“We push him. To See how great he is. To See better basketball. To Be part of something that’s special. “
Lebron james said this of his teammate Anthony Davis.
~Explore your relationships
your friends + your WORDS +
the people places & things like social media or tv shows or convos you have....if you want to level up YOU MUST be around trailblazers + encouragement!~
2-YOU can be THANKFUL + blessed + also lose your shit & be be frustrated. BOTH!
bishop talbert swan
He is a GRAND example of someone that is on fire for God & super spiritual & knows his bible & educated yet calls out racist + political ass shit unapologetically.
Follow him on all platforms.
3- Jimmy Butler on the Miami Heat on the Nba team that lost to the lakers.
He played SO hard + gave 5OO%!!
if you watch his post interviews, he can hardly walk or move Bc he’s body is in massive pain!
Do your work out!
Fight for what your soul craves whether it is rest/healing or crushing goals.
TRAIN your mind to be bigger than ALL your excuses because we all have excuses! Ha!
Champion + leader mindsets get shit done! PERIOD.
4- start small. It adds up.
Make your own sauces/dressing.
Purée mango + dill + tomatoes. Yummy!
Love cereal? Make your own.
Almond milk + almonds + pumpkin seeds + coconut flakes + blueberries.
5- stop invalidating your feelings for other the feelings of others.
Everything in your day is there to teach you or heal you.
Your feelings matter.
Stop talking yourself out of them. They are messengers.
Gorgeous, chosen, brilliant and highly favored. Of. Us.
Start using words like: King +Queen +beloved + beautiful +!earth angel to yourself and others!
💥I CAN HELP TRAIN YOUR MIND + replace limiting beliefs while
Being your biggest cheerleader AND also teaching you TOOLS AND SYSTEMS TO CHANGE YOUR gosh dang LIFE.
Set you free:)
💥Buy my newest e-book:
~80 plant-based + vegan recipes to blow your mind!
~Included is a bonus holistic recipe ebook + grocery shopping list!
~easy + yummy + new ideas you never thought of Bc diets are BS!
“14 bad ass business tools
That I Learned @Atlantic Records on Broadway in New York City”
You want straight forward, Bold advice + tools for any career, business or personal growth path?
GO-TO! Go Next level with confidence + bold ass energy.
💥Songs to motivate your day:
Chris Brown “wall to wall”
Lincoln Park & Steve Aoki “light that never dies”
Topic “ breaking me”
Mariah Carey “obsessed”
Royal tailor “ready set go” (family friendly + super empowering)
Think outside the lines & rules & typical stuff!!!
Color outside the lines & be creative!!! Freak your art teacher saying it's only done "this way!"
💖So many people are crazy talented + skilled until ONE muther freaking person says: don't write that way. Don't talk that way. Don't dress that way. Don't color that way. Don't dance that way. Don't do business that way. Don’t learn that way. Don't create & BE that way. Here is the "right" way...
Screw that!
Don't get caught up in LIFE always being routine & playing it safe & what "they" say is "right!"
Life is too freaking short to
Do & be the way -world & business & society & school & family & tv & whoever says is "right way!!"
Discover what's TRUE for YOUR unique thumbprint + soul + vibe!
That my friends, is FREEDOM!
There's 1000 ways!!
I always was resourceful vs having resources!!!
There are 10000 shapes of cookie cutters----not just one!!! Remember that!
"72 lessons to rock your life"
coaching & food & programs
Color outside the lines & be creative!!! Freak your art teacher saying it's only done "this way!"
💖So many people are crazy talented + skilled until ONE muther freaking person says: don't write that way. Don't talk that way. Don't dress that way. Don't color that way. Don't dance that way. Don't do business that way. Don’t learn that way. Don't create & BE that way. Here is the "right" way...
Screw that!
Don't get caught up in LIFE always being routine & playing it safe & what "they" say is "right!"
Life is too freaking short to
Do & be the way -world & business & society & school & family & tv & whoever says is "right way!!"
Discover what's TRUE for YOUR unique thumbprint + soul + vibe!
That my friends, is FREEDOM!
There's 1000 ways!!
I always was resourceful vs having resources!!!
There are 10000 shapes of cookie cutters----not just one!!! Remember that!
"72 lessons to rock your life"
coaching & food & programs
Busta rhymes wisdom
“If you didn’t have challenges you wouldn’t even have a journey or a story to tell. You won’t learn the value of the struggle or the rewards of the success when they come. I was definitely taught that failure is not an option and I attribute that to my mother and father. We all go through bullshit but at the end of the day we also know that it could be a lot worse so don’t run around and complain. Don’t bitch. Resolve it because you have no choice. Especially if people are relying on you because you’re the source of everyone’s well-being.”
“I don’t like to be around anything that condones or causes bullshit.”
-busta rhymes
“I don’t like to be around anything that condones or causes bullshit.”
-busta rhymes
“Smells like my vagina” candle
✨That is a real candle!
Gwtenth Paltrow.
She’s knows, she is over the top and caters to the highly elite.
She knows she’s controversial from stuff she says to stuff she sells like vampire repellent body spray,handcuff bangles, vaginal steamers & more.
This candle “smells like my vagina” sold out ASAP at $75/ Candle.
Sold the F out.
Seventy-five DOLLARS!!!
Brilliant marketing!!!!
She knows who she is, WHETHER YOU LIKE HER OR NOT, And commits!!
This is a key life lesson!!
Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box.
✨Great song for workout, dancing or motivation.
Kendrick Lamar “humble.”
Beats are 🔥!! I can’t stop listening!!
Favorite lyric:
“I'm so fuckin' sick and tired of the Photoshop
Show me somethin' natural like afro on Richard Pryor
Show me somethin' natural like a$$ with some stretch marks!”
Self love & ACCEPTANCE.
Celebrate what makes you -YOU!
Instead of fixing yourself—-embrace yourself LOUDLY!!!
Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box.
✨You can be vanilla. It’s an amazing safe successful fabulous well loved flavor!!
Or you can be cookie dough with sprinkles + hot fudge!
Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box.
All is possible.
not some...A L L!
Gwtenth Paltrow.
She’s knows, she is over the top and caters to the highly elite.
She knows she’s controversial from stuff she says to stuff she sells like vampire repellent body spray,handcuff bangles, vaginal steamers & more.
This candle “smells like my vagina” sold out ASAP at $75/ Candle.
Sold the F out.
Seventy-five DOLLARS!!!
Brilliant marketing!!!!
She knows who she is, WHETHER YOU LIKE HER OR NOT, And commits!!
This is a key life lesson!!
Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box.
✨Great song for workout, dancing or motivation.
Kendrick Lamar “humble.”
Beats are 🔥!! I can’t stop listening!!
Favorite lyric:
“I'm so fuckin' sick and tired of the Photoshop
Show me somethin' natural like afro on Richard Pryor
Show me somethin' natural like a$$ with some stretch marks!”
Self love & ACCEPTANCE.
Celebrate what makes you -YOU!
Instead of fixing yourself—-embrace yourself LOUDLY!!!
Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box.
✨You can be vanilla. It’s an amazing safe successful fabulous well loved flavor!!
Or you can be cookie dough with sprinkles + hot fudge!
Think outside the box. Think outside the box. Think outside the box.
All is possible.
not some...A L L!
Life lesson from Dababy + healthy food tip
1- Buy something to replace what you usually eat.
Buy a dairy free/wheat free/sugar free version.
Try it.
Like it??
Hit spot??
2-Read the ingredient list and see if you can make it yourself!!!
3-Do you eat cream cheese every day?
love adding sour cream to most of your meals? especially taco night?
Are you a dip person? Crackers?
Love icecream ? Coffee creamer?
1-try new product (it’s always worth the money)
because people spend that eating out on a Friday night or going to the doctor when they get sick or getting their nails done or vacation/trip or a coffee out or whatever “your personal thing is”
This is your health + wellness!!
2-If the product is amazing and hits the spot -oh my god -that’s wonderful!!! Hurray!!!
Can start replacing!!!!
Use the product ( try brands like GOOD KARMA, kite hill, + Mary be gone, + good foods)
If you don’t have a local store:
Try Vitacost, boxed, or thrive Market
There’s always a coupon code, too.
3-THEN—-read The ingredient list and try to make it yourself!!!
•More affordable
•creates a new habit because you’re actually taking action + doing it
•Hurray for change & yummyness + HEALTH!!
•Dababy is one of the biggest rappers emerging right now—-
You can read why this quote was trending but
what I love is the 2 lessons:
“honored by the most high”
No Matter what you believe—Karma, GOD, Angels...
respecting yourself
The real deal truth
honor & good faith
Sincere intentions
Always! It’s supernatural law!
Don’t sweat the small stuff that rocks your brain in the middle of the day!
“Sucka ass situations aren’t worthy of your time”
Anything that steals your joy and peace and causes unnecessary stress and is not worth it.
Acknowledge it.
Delete it. Boundary it. Journal it. Release it. Let it have no place in your mind, body, soul!!
USE THAT TIME + ENERGY to bless, further, multiply and add blessings to your goals, dreams + life!
🦚If you buy my ”healthy + happy recipe e-book” THIS WEEK--
You will receive 3 things for free:
15 “mastermind” lessons about diets being bullshit💛
15 “NEW” lessons to empower your life
A surprise in the MAIL specifically catered to YOU!!
BUY NOW!! That’s a total of five items you will receive!
-healthy & happy recipes ebooks
-holistic recipes ebook
-15 mastermind lessons ebook
-15 life lessons ebook
-a surprise
♥️Please include your mailing address for your surprise!!!
Ask yourself empowering questions
in different situations:
•What would a loving + kind supportive parent do?
•What would a high-level executive Do?
•What would a committed Athlete do?
•What would A healthy and energized person do?
•What would a confident and bold woman do?
• What a person that prioritizes peace and serenity choose?
• what would someone who values peace and serenity choose in the situation?
if you want and empowered elevated extraordinary energy and direction and to infuse the person that you are—-ask empowered questions so you get an empowered answer!
You Don’t feel like working out and you’re choosing to be a health-conscious + energized person.
What would an elite athlete do?
They would be bigger than their excuses and get the workout done!! They would Cook from scratch and they would tell themselves how strong and badass they are !!!
And go extra & push harder ( I use this daily).
in different situations:
•What would a loving + kind supportive parent do?
•What would a high-level executive Do?
•What would a committed Athlete do?
•What would A healthy and energized person do?
•What would a confident and bold woman do?
• What a person that prioritizes peace and serenity choose?
• what would someone who values peace and serenity choose in the situation?
if you want and empowered elevated extraordinary energy and direction and to infuse the person that you are—-ask empowered questions so you get an empowered answer!
You Don’t feel like working out and you’re choosing to be a health-conscious + energized person.
What would an elite athlete do?
They would be bigger than their excuses and get the workout done!! They would Cook from scratch and they would tell themselves how strong and badass they are !!!
And go extra & push harder ( I use this daily).
my real #1 stress tip is:
LOVE FIERCELY, because this all ends.
🧡When you are finished on earth
and this is all said and done —-the stuff you want people to speak about you
and say about you
and share and inspire & tell & CARRY ON TO other people & the world about you....
🧡Is that you were LOVING.
🧡They remember your smile
the way you made them feel EVERY. DAMN. TIME.
the way your eyes and face lit up & made them feel love.
The way you spoke and treated and helped and inspired and supported and encouraged and loved loved loved EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
In every area of your life!
🧡In your walk
in your words
How you hugged
And kissed
And talked
and your love language and
your presence and your being
And in the way that you showed up in the world!
🧡As an aunt and an uncle
and a husband and a wife
and a friend
and parent
And grandparent and
Brother and sister
And AS A STRANGER...the kind of impact as a person you were & are!
🧡You always chose LOVE. 🧡
It is not how hard you worked
it’s not how much money you made
it’s not the climbing of the ladder and titles you had
it’s not how many fucking cars golf carts and boats & vacations you took & had
it’s not the school that you went to
Or how much you recycled or the hours you clocked.
It wasn’t the scale and the size of your pants
and how fucking cool you made sure everyone knew you were
Or even any of your triumphs or successes...
It’s not any of the superficial DAILY STRESSFUL ILLUSIONS
we get caught up in—-every single day.
All of us.
There are webs of them!!
that is what stresses us.
One little stress to next stress to massive created stress, & every single person participates every single day.
You can minimize it
you can cut back on it
You can release it
and you can choose differently!
Be profoundly deeply passionately LOVING!
Be motivated and empowered to love more and love yourself more
And Choose love & SHOW UP + radiate love!
🧡 because this all ends.
Love is the one thing that is triple Fold & that is a trailblazer and ignites and continues ON FIRE!🧡
Be that.
When you can wrap your heart and mind around this —everything changes!
Peace!! That’s my truth!! 👏🏽💋💯
LOVE FIERCELY, because this all ends.
🧡When you are finished on earth
and this is all said and done —-the stuff you want people to speak about you
and say about you
and share and inspire & tell & CARRY ON TO other people & the world about you....
🧡Is that you were LOVING.
🧡They remember your smile
the way you made them feel EVERY. DAMN. TIME.
the way your eyes and face lit up & made them feel love.
The way you spoke and treated and helped and inspired and supported and encouraged and loved loved loved EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
In every area of your life!
🧡In your walk
in your words
How you hugged
And kissed
And talked
and your love language and
your presence and your being
And in the way that you showed up in the world!
🧡As an aunt and an uncle
and a husband and a wife
and a friend
and parent
And grandparent and
Brother and sister
And AS A STRANGER...the kind of impact as a person you were & are!
🧡You always chose LOVE. 🧡
It is not how hard you worked
it’s not how much money you made
it’s not the climbing of the ladder and titles you had
it’s not how many fucking cars golf carts and boats & vacations you took & had
it’s not the school that you went to
Or how much you recycled or the hours you clocked.
It wasn’t the scale and the size of your pants
and how fucking cool you made sure everyone knew you were
Or even any of your triumphs or successes...
It’s not any of the superficial DAILY STRESSFUL ILLUSIONS
we get caught up in—-every single day.
All of us.
There are webs of them!!
that is what stresses us.
One little stress to next stress to massive created stress, & every single person participates every single day.
You can minimize it
you can cut back on it
You can release it
and you can choose differently!
Be profoundly deeply passionately LOVING!
Be motivated and empowered to love more and love yourself more
And Choose love & SHOW UP + radiate love!
🧡 because this all ends.
Love is the one thing that is triple Fold & that is a trailblazer and ignites and continues ON FIRE!🧡
Be that.
When you can wrap your heart and mind around this —everything changes!
Peace!! That’s my truth!! 👏🏽💋💯
Practice creates bad-ass confidence
-Practice creates confidence.-
Yes, like j-lo, Rihanna type bad-ass confidence!!!
Jay Z is a great example.
He did a huge ass deal with the NFL.
first ever, for an artist!
He is a hustler and a business person FIRST.
Will he advocate? Black lives matter? Support taking a knee? Affect the culture of how it’s all white men owners? Bring change + new perspective?
Yes 1000%.
Will he Put his artists as performers at halftime, and get royalties? Yesssss.
But his first value is business/profit.
The rest of his purpose will branch from that.
Day in & out he practices business moves FIRST.
It’s familiar & consistent and makes him confident. Everything else can branch from that.
If you work out every day
if you are always in business meetings + having to speak in front of people
if you teach kids every day
if you’re a stay at home parent who is not around adults and you’re always in mommy mode & kid language
If you spend tons of time with your kids and are in tune with their soul
If you wear make up every single day
Whatever your job is, you do it day in and day out
If you cook + bake daily
If you create you tube videos or
🔥Whatever, DOING “IT” is,
you do it day in and day out.
🔥you get comfortable with it and it creates practice and consistency which then creates confidence!!
1-The deal is, DO NOT COMPARE one of your phases/seasons with some one else’s!
Let’s say a CEO mom and a stay at home mom.... that conversation can have a different energy to it because of what they’re saying/doing/practicing all day.
I have done both.
As stay a home mom, i have had conversations where my brain is mush and I can’t form sentences and I think to myself- I usually can bust out business law and eloquent words on the back of my hand & SLAY, where Is that?? Where did I go?? I feel cray-cray! {it is normal of course!}
As a business owner & working 24-7... it has gotten to points where I’m saying & doing work lingo & actions day in & out, that I repeat it in my sleep!
Someone who dances every day for fun and someone that never does it. Put them both on the spot and one’s going to be super confident + one’s going to feel like a deer out of headlights.
🔥~Practice creates confidence!!!~
The repetition of it—leads to momentum—-leads to confidence!
🖤So let’s get deeper:
-I’m sure there’s a lot of things you do day in and day out and you’re pretty secure in it!!!!-
•Can you openly and honestly and confidently talk about your TRUE feelings and TRUTH OF your relationships with your family and your spouse/partner and your friends and your kids and with yourself?
•Can you express and talk about your superpowers and yourself self love?
•What is your body talk like? Body image voice?
•Can you talk openly about your healing or wounds or hardships or frustrations? {so many hide this stuff}
•Can you share confidently and securely —your story and journey?
🔑DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU F&CKING CRAVE/NEED/WANT....and need to get on it, and start doing it & PRACTICING IT!?🔑
1-explore what you super-duper crave THAT gives you excitement + insane joy & feel like you are LIVING YOUR MOST TRUE & authentic + out loud LIFE—--
name 3 RIGHT NOW? G O
2-start PRACTICING IT! to gain MORE confidence & momentum, so your growth & life is always next level & better!
3-different seasons/phases have different experiences and you get to choose what you’re putting your energy + practice into! It can change!
💋It might be a handstand!
💋It might want to change an old conditioned/limited belief that doesn’t serve your highest good!
💋it might be cooking versus eating out.
💋it might be learning positive self & body talk.
4- when you worry about keeping up with people, doing what everyone does in the same way, or care what others think of you and your choices/life--you are allowing People, places and things to live RENT FREE IN YOUR head.
Stop. That. Shit.
You don’t need permission to take life + jump IN & practice whatever it is you want more of in your life!
🖤Mondays are magical because YOU choose your attitude + energy and thoughts + actions and they set the tone for your week!!!
What will you choose today?
-Practice creates confidence.-
Yes, like j-lo, Rihanna type bad-ass confidence!!!
Jay Z is a great example.
He did a huge ass deal with the NFL.
first ever, for an artist!
He is a hustler and a business person FIRST.
Will he advocate? Black lives matter? Support taking a knee? Affect the culture of how it’s all white men owners? Bring change + new perspective?
Yes 1000%.
Will he Put his artists as performers at halftime, and get royalties? Yesssss.
But his first value is business/profit.
The rest of his purpose will branch from that.
Day in & out he practices business moves FIRST.
It’s familiar & consistent and makes him confident. Everything else can branch from that.
If you work out every day
if you are always in business meetings + having to speak in front of people
if you teach kids every day
if you’re a stay at home parent who is not around adults and you’re always in mommy mode & kid language
If you spend tons of time with your kids and are in tune with their soul
If you wear make up every single day
Whatever your job is, you do it day in and day out
If you cook + bake daily
If you create you tube videos or
🔥Whatever, DOING “IT” is,
you do it day in and day out.
🔥you get comfortable with it and it creates practice and consistency which then creates confidence!!
1-The deal is, DO NOT COMPARE one of your phases/seasons with some one else’s!
Let’s say a CEO mom and a stay at home mom.... that conversation can have a different energy to it because of what they’re saying/doing/practicing all day.
I have done both.
As stay a home mom, i have had conversations where my brain is mush and I can’t form sentences and I think to myself- I usually can bust out business law and eloquent words on the back of my hand & SLAY, where Is that?? Where did I go?? I feel cray-cray! {it is normal of course!}
As a business owner & working 24-7... it has gotten to points where I’m saying & doing work lingo & actions day in & out, that I repeat it in my sleep!
Someone who dances every day for fun and someone that never does it. Put them both on the spot and one’s going to be super confident + one’s going to feel like a deer out of headlights.
🔥~Practice creates confidence!!!~
The repetition of it—leads to momentum—-leads to confidence!
🖤So let’s get deeper:
-I’m sure there’s a lot of things you do day in and day out and you’re pretty secure in it!!!!-
•Can you openly and honestly and confidently talk about your TRUE feelings and TRUTH OF your relationships with your family and your spouse/partner and your friends and your kids and with yourself?
•Can you express and talk about your superpowers and yourself self love?
•What is your body talk like? Body image voice?
•Can you talk openly about your healing or wounds or hardships or frustrations? {so many hide this stuff}
•Can you share confidently and securely —your story and journey?
🔑DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU F&CKING CRAVE/NEED/WANT....and need to get on it, and start doing it & PRACTICING IT!?🔑
1-explore what you super-duper crave THAT gives you excitement + insane joy & feel like you are LIVING YOUR MOST TRUE & authentic + out loud LIFE—--
name 3 RIGHT NOW? G O
2-start PRACTICING IT! to gain MORE confidence & momentum, so your growth & life is always next level & better!
3-different seasons/phases have different experiences and you get to choose what you’re putting your energy + practice into! It can change!
💋It might be a handstand!
💋It might want to change an old conditioned/limited belief that doesn’t serve your highest good!
💋it might be cooking versus eating out.
💋it might be learning positive self & body talk.
4- when you worry about keeping up with people, doing what everyone does in the same way, or care what others think of you and your choices/life--you are allowing People, places and things to live RENT FREE IN YOUR head.
Stop. That. Shit.
You don’t need permission to take life + jump IN & practice whatever it is you want more of in your life!
🖤Mondays are magical because YOU choose your attitude + energy and thoughts + actions and they set the tone for your week!!!
What will you choose today?
Music superstar Lizzo + surfing inspiration!
1-ACTIVE FAITH: Put self out there
2- PRACTICE creates confidence
3-TIMING: it matters
🌿She has a hit #1, music single out + she is in a blockbuster movie, called Hustlers, and she’s everywhere!
Her song dethroned “old town road” and Billie Eilish’s “bad guy.”
LIZZO. She’s talented, confident, outspoken & entertaining!
She dropped the exact same single two years ago and it didn’t do Shit!
She almost quit music. Because it had been a long ass time, busting her ass and pursuing this career!
And the music industry is a metric-based, you’re pretty good but not good enough & a cutthroat industry that you really have to be brave, resilient, persistent and know your worth!
She was driven, resilient, and bad ass! She believed in herself and kept planning the seeds and putting herself out there.
Timing is everything, because right now all of these new women rap artists like Megan the stallion & cardi b + LIZZO ARE HOT + are doing their thing & adored by fans & on fire!
Active faith, confidence, and timing! Boom!
🌿Surfing is like life.
You go out into the ocean and there might be sharks in the water
And it might be cold
and there’s a lot of factors -but you put yourself out there.
Then you have to have patience and just sit there and sit there and sit there and wait for the wave.
Then the wave comes and it’s glorious and beautiful and it’s the exact right timing and you ride it!
Then if you want to do it again.. you go right back out there and it’s a patience & a waiting game all over again.
But this time from experience- you know that another wave is coming!!!! Thank GOD!!! Because sheesh!!!
It is Like life.
There’s phases where you have to have patience.
Believe. Even when everything around you is telling you otherwise.
keep putting yourself out there, even when it’s rough.
Because another wave WILL COME + When it comes & you ride it—-there’s a beautiful timing that happens and that’s the phase of life that’s easy and effortless and YOUR TIME!
And then like anything in life that will change {ugh!! Why!!? Haaaa) freaking phases & seasons of life can be hard—-because human beings are hardwired for wanting security and consistency and comfort!!
and you’ll have to practice patience again & maybe in tough conditions, but now you know from wisdom & experience—YOU trust that another beautiful wave will come.
And you believe in yourself MORE!
Whether it’s your fitness journey
or your romantic journey
or your parenting journey
or your career and purpose journey
or your personal development journey.
Every 50 million possible journeys that we all experience in this lifetime!!!!!!
1- Practice creates confidence.
Plant little seeds and do repetition.
You can’t reap, in the same season that you’re sowing!
All those little micro movements add up to confidence and preparation and they matter!!
Not one drop of your being, actions, and existence is EVER WASTED!
2-keep showing up.
Activate your faith.
keep putting yourself out- there even when it’s uncomfortable.
Keep your eye on the vision and not the circumstances. It will pull you through!!
3- Know that there is an alignment and a supernatural divine TIMING to everything. Including your life!
Nothing is too early and nothing is too late and everything is on time.
❤️love you. Be the light feel the light see the light activate your light spread the light 💡 choose light + Carry yourself as the light + blessing you are QUEENS & KINGS!
& forward this to someone that needs encouragement with whatever is going on in their life!❤️
1-ACTIVE FAITH: Put self out there
2- PRACTICE creates confidence
3-TIMING: it matters
🌿She has a hit #1, music single out + she is in a blockbuster movie, called Hustlers, and she’s everywhere!
Her song dethroned “old town road” and Billie Eilish’s “bad guy.”
LIZZO. She’s talented, confident, outspoken & entertaining!
She dropped the exact same single two years ago and it didn’t do Shit!
She almost quit music. Because it had been a long ass time, busting her ass and pursuing this career!
And the music industry is a metric-based, you’re pretty good but not good enough & a cutthroat industry that you really have to be brave, resilient, persistent and know your worth!
She was driven, resilient, and bad ass! She believed in herself and kept planning the seeds and putting herself out there.
Timing is everything, because right now all of these new women rap artists like Megan the stallion & cardi b + LIZZO ARE HOT + are doing their thing & adored by fans & on fire!
Active faith, confidence, and timing! Boom!
🌿Surfing is like life.
You go out into the ocean and there might be sharks in the water
And it might be cold
and there’s a lot of factors -but you put yourself out there.
Then you have to have patience and just sit there and sit there and sit there and wait for the wave.
Then the wave comes and it’s glorious and beautiful and it’s the exact right timing and you ride it!
Then if you want to do it again.. you go right back out there and it’s a patience & a waiting game all over again.
But this time from experience- you know that another wave is coming!!!! Thank GOD!!! Because sheesh!!!
It is Like life.
There’s phases where you have to have patience.
Believe. Even when everything around you is telling you otherwise.
keep putting yourself out there, even when it’s rough.
Because another wave WILL COME + When it comes & you ride it—-there’s a beautiful timing that happens and that’s the phase of life that’s easy and effortless and YOUR TIME!
And then like anything in life that will change {ugh!! Why!!? Haaaa) freaking phases & seasons of life can be hard—-because human beings are hardwired for wanting security and consistency and comfort!!
and you’ll have to practice patience again & maybe in tough conditions, but now you know from wisdom & experience—YOU trust that another beautiful wave will come.
And you believe in yourself MORE!
Whether it’s your fitness journey
or your romantic journey
or your parenting journey
or your career and purpose journey
or your personal development journey.
Every 50 million possible journeys that we all experience in this lifetime!!!!!!
1- Practice creates confidence.
Plant little seeds and do repetition.
You can’t reap, in the same season that you’re sowing!
All those little micro movements add up to confidence and preparation and they matter!!
Not one drop of your being, actions, and existence is EVER WASTED!
2-keep showing up.
Activate your faith.
keep putting yourself out- there even when it’s uncomfortable.
Keep your eye on the vision and not the circumstances. It will pull you through!!
3- Know that there is an alignment and a supernatural divine TIMING to everything. Including your life!
Nothing is too early and nothing is too late and everything is on time.
❤️love you. Be the light feel the light see the light activate your light spread the light 💡 choose light + Carry yourself as the light + blessing you are QUEENS & KINGS!
& forward this to someone that needs encouragement with whatever is going on in their life!❤️
Motivation for your fitness food & soul!
Love to motivate your week!
🍎Blessed are those who have faith and cannot see CAN ALSO mean:
empowered are those who remember who they are even when circumstances would tempt them to believe otherwise!
🍎When someone makes you feel "less than" instead of cussing them out or letting them have it :) say instead
" this person is in a different place than me and that's OK." Repeat! Haaa!! 😆
🍎Affirm: I Celebrate the best instead of rehearsing the worst.
🍎Affirm: I am too blessed to be stressed.
🍎Affirm: Love shows up in ALL areas of my life.
🍎Your inner dialogue matters!
Your inner dialogue!
How you love yourself.
What YOU believe about you, your worth, your value, your talents. That's the gold!
🍎If you are still saying “it’s my cheat day.”
My stomach is fat in this bathing suit. I ate “bad today.”
You are fucking up your soul & self love & body image & WORTH!! 🍒words matter. Flip the script, reverse it, try a new way!
I was typing this up for someone + I got all excited about avocados!
Had to share!
🥬high in potassium which is really good for you if you're watching your blood pressure
*🥬lots fiber + vitamins
*🥬anti inflammatory (excellent for you if you eat a lot of sugar wheat or dairy)
*🥬great for eyes, bones + immune system
🥬stabilizes blood sugar ( blood sugar balance means fat burning or fat storing)
🥬balances hormones ( hello!)
🥬stuff with black beans +salsa
🥬Mash up + spread on toast with unsalted butter
🥬Add chunks of it to a salad with carrots + cilantro + sesame seeds+ Chinese dressing
🥬avocado to thicken smoothies instead of bananas
🥬Baked avocado fries : dipped in brown rice Panko + baked until crunchy
🥬Avocado + hummus
🥬Fancy but easy: chocolate avacado frosting
🥬Grilled cheese with avacado + tomatoes
🥬Avocado + basil + pine nuts + garlic= pesto instead of spaghetti sauce
🧁do it as a habit. Mindset DOES IT AS A HABIT. It is More than the results. Have to DO IT. Non negotiable ! It becomes a way of life!
🌍If you listen to this song, BELOW👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
Drop me an icon!!??
Does it do “IT” for you??
You a music person??
🌍Listen I’m in mommy mode 24-7......and I need something for a mental and emotional release.
Like 100% all ME!!
Like takes me to a different place...creativity wise, motivation wise, soul wise....
🌍What about you????
If you work too much
or you are burn out
Or need a vaca
Or need a break from whatever your life is throwing .....
🔥LET IT BE, bigger than going to get your toes done or going to the grocery store by yourself or getting a 20 minute workout in—--
🔥We all need something DEEPER—-
To Get lost in.
🦋M u s I c 🦋
sometimes the way to your heart, is through your headphones!
I have not lost my dance touch or soul/vibes touch!!!!
Holy SH$T!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🎉🎉🎉💎💎💎💎💎💎💎
This brings out my HIGHEST SELF✌🏽👌🏽🖖🏽 listen!
🎉Work with me to set up systems & mindset & DAILY CHANGES FOR your fitness, food + spirit!
🎉BUY MY BOOK: "72 lessons to Rock your life"
Get it today on
🎉SHOP my e-books, recipes & programs
Update me on your life?! Habits? Blessings? Challenges?
How to feel joy & peace DURING change
What worked for you before
In other seasons of your life,
IS ALLOWED TO NOT work for you today or serve YOUR highest good TODAY.
Fitness wise
Weight loss wise
What was a good fit in a relationship
How your needs were met in your marriage five years ago
What you think is fun now
how you handle to your stress/anxiety
Peace of mind
What you find funny, fun, interesting
Navigating your career
What food you like & don’t
Seasons. Phases. Stuff changes.
And forcing your old ways into your current phase can leave you:
Pissed, bitter, frustrated, confused, unfulfilled, numb, lost + disconnected.
I’ve been there. Stuff that worked & brought me joy or success or ease for years.....shifted BIG TIME!
Especially now as a hands on mama of 2 of my soul pies! Especially moving cross country & starting from scratch/simplicity!
My system through it is:
•expressing it. Writing. Verbally. Physically. Give it release. Get it out!
•go inside/Spirit/soul. What is this hear to teach me? Show me? Reveal to me? New wisdom?
•put new ideas, concepts, systems & tools in place that SERVE WHO YOU ARE + your highest good today!
You need outdoor sunlight!
Eat well. Move & sweat.
Fill your mind & environment with uplifting stuff.
Ask yourself today:
•If I have had 5% more assurance that ALL IS WELL + working out for me, what would that look like?
•What is an exact moment in my life, I was brave/open/courageous? How can I use that NOW!?
•what is true & is the narrator in my mind: spitting facts about my life or illusions?
*Work with me one on one
*INVITE me to talk at your office, retreat, girls night, or space.
In other seasons of your life,
IS ALLOWED TO NOT work for you today or serve YOUR highest good TODAY.
Fitness wise
Weight loss wise
What was a good fit in a relationship
How your needs were met in your marriage five years ago
What you think is fun now
how you handle to your stress/anxiety
Peace of mind
What you find funny, fun, interesting
Navigating your career
What food you like & don’t
Seasons. Phases. Stuff changes.
And forcing your old ways into your current phase can leave you:
Pissed, bitter, frustrated, confused, unfulfilled, numb, lost + disconnected.
I’ve been there. Stuff that worked & brought me joy or success or ease for years.....shifted BIG TIME!
Especially now as a hands on mama of 2 of my soul pies! Especially moving cross country & starting from scratch/simplicity!
My system through it is:
•expressing it. Writing. Verbally. Physically. Give it release. Get it out!
•go inside/Spirit/soul. What is this hear to teach me? Show me? Reveal to me? New wisdom?
•put new ideas, concepts, systems & tools in place that SERVE WHO YOU ARE + your highest good today!
You need outdoor sunlight!
Eat well. Move & sweat.
Fill your mind & environment with uplifting stuff.
Ask yourself today:
•If I have had 5% more assurance that ALL IS WELL + working out for me, what would that look like?
•What is an exact moment in my life, I was brave/open/courageous? How can I use that NOW!?
•what is true & is the narrator in my mind: spitting facts about my life or illusions?
*Work with me one on one
*INVITE me to talk at your office, retreat, girls night, or space.
Summer healthy food tips
🥦 Healing benefits of BROCCOLI SPROUTS increase 200% if frozen & blended into your smoothie!
🥦the Top benefit is, it reduces inflammation in your body, BIG TIME! (inflammation causes like every kind of ache & illness + sickness/disease)
🌿Huge slices of tomatoes with hemp seeds + fresh herbs + throw over cabbage slaw with a fresh RAW green dressing! { PICS below}
🌿Thicken smoothies with an avocado instead of a banana. Less sugar & more filling fats.
🍑grilling. Try grilling peaches + nectarines for dessert with a raw nut crumble.
🍑slice up lemons & limes & mint freeze in ice cube trays. Grab some every day and throw it in your water. Less work for you + FABULOUS for your liver!!
❤️unconditional love.
Do you have it? Show it? Give it? What does it mean to you?
❤️A lot of us have a old programmed habits from Childhood...
Be “nice.”
Be “happy.”
Be a High achiever & “perform”.
Be “perfect.”
Be “strong.”
It keeps us safe & secure & we believe that people, family, friends, society—-will like + love us.
If we stop performing, being nice, “on” and all that jazz, we think the love & being liked & accepted might stop.
❤️See where you teach your kids, family, partners, friends that message or you have received it! It all roots to value and unconditional love.
❤️Identify. Reframe & replace. Conditioned love is dangerous to your soul, heart, growth & mind!
🦋let me know something you INTEND for your JOY THIS SUMMER?
New friend? New Recipe? Simplifying? NewJournaling? Concert? More boldness? Less social media? More making out? Less drama? 🦋
🥦the Top benefit is, it reduces inflammation in your body, BIG TIME! (inflammation causes like every kind of ache & illness + sickness/disease)
🌿Huge slices of tomatoes with hemp seeds + fresh herbs + throw over cabbage slaw with a fresh RAW green dressing! { PICS below}
🌿Thicken smoothies with an avocado instead of a banana. Less sugar & more filling fats.
🍑grilling. Try grilling peaches + nectarines for dessert with a raw nut crumble.
🍑slice up lemons & limes & mint freeze in ice cube trays. Grab some every day and throw it in your water. Less work for you + FABULOUS for your liver!!
❤️unconditional love.
Do you have it? Show it? Give it? What does it mean to you?
❤️A lot of us have a old programmed habits from Childhood...
Be “nice.”
Be “happy.”
Be a High achiever & “perform”.
Be “perfect.”
Be “strong.”
It keeps us safe & secure & we believe that people, family, friends, society—-will like + love us.
If we stop performing, being nice, “on” and all that jazz, we think the love & being liked & accepted might stop.
❤️See where you teach your kids, family, partners, friends that message or you have received it! It all roots to value and unconditional love.
❤️Identify. Reframe & replace. Conditioned love is dangerous to your soul, heart, growth & mind!
🦋let me know something you INTEND for your JOY THIS SUMMER?
New friend? New Recipe? Simplifying? NewJournaling? Concert? More boldness? Less social media? More making out? Less drama? 🦋